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Oversize sweater vibes❤️

Back to outfits!

so much has changed and evolved since I started this blog, I remember I used to love uploading outfit roundups and blog posts on my favorites pieces/trends. I've neglected that part of content on here and kinda just share my outfits on instagram. But I miss it! I feel sometimes we just need more details on pieces we love, how to style them, where to get them or just similar options. So starting up this section again our oversized sweaters!

Not only are they the masters of comfort, but in my opinion they look super cute, are easy to layer and rock during fall/winter. in the photos i'm wearing a mohair sweater from HM, I'm actually wearing a size medium (regular size xs/s) although the sweater style is already slightly long I wanted to be able to actually wear it on it's own and/or layer it. And indeed I ended up wearing it with a shirt dress underneath and my grey over the knee boots. And hey this metallic Chanel ended up being perfect for this! Metallic bags are for anytime of day, with any outfit. (metallics are no longer exclusive to evening wear)

PSA: don't be afraid to play around with sizes! break that taboo of only getting the smallest size that zips, or your true size. Sizing is their as a guide but not as an enforcer! buy your clothes the way you want them to fit not by size (I think that makes sense lol)


De regreso a los outfits!

Han cambiado tantas cosas en este espacio, y evolucionado de cuando empece mi blog. Antes subia casi todos mis outfits, y tendencias/piezas favoritas, y luego como que me quedo comodo subir mis outfits a instagram, pero se extraña poner outfits que me encantan aqui, con buenos detalles de como usar ciertas piezas o en donde conseguirlas, asi que volvemos! empezando por sueteres oversized!

No solo son los reyes de la comodidad pero se ven super cool y son faciles de usar en el otoño/invierno. Este en particular es de HM y lo compre en talla Mediana (tall normal es chica/extrachica) y aunque este modelo de sueter ya era un poco largo decidi comprarlo mas grande para aegurarme que lo podia usar como vestido y o sobre algo. y si arme este look con un vestido tipo camisa, botas arriba de la rodilla y mi bolsa plateada ( eso de que las bolsas metalicas son solo para noche ya paso! las bolsas metalicas son para cualquier dia, cualquier hora y cualquier look)

AVISO: No le tengas miedo a jugar con tallas, no es obligacion ponerte tu talla siempre o la talla mas chica que te cierra, las tallas sirven de guia pero no como obligacion. Comprate tu ropa como quieres que te quede! (espero que se entienda lo que quise decir jaja)

Get the Look.



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