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Home Sweet Home

Ad: although sponsored by Walmart+ all opinion, content and selections are my own.

Home Sweet Home!! We’re back after a much needed vacation, and time to ourselves (full recap later) but it’s always such a nice feeling walking back into your house, space and stuff. But first we had to pick up Bhaaloo!! He had been staying with Arturo's parents who live a few hrs away, so grabbed a little to-go pack and hit the road. Of course needed to stop for gas. Which is pretty scary now a days lol but I recently found out that my Walmart+ Membership also includes fuel discounts!! We now can save up to 10¢ per gallon at Exxon and Mobil gas stations, and at select Walmart and Murphy gas stations, in 48 states across the country. (of course Fuel discount varies by location & station, subject to change.) pretty sweet right??

Obviously we’re still pretty jetlagged, right now we just want to relax at home so ordered everything we needed on the Walmart app, while we headed out for bhaaloo and with my Walmart+ membership got it delivered on the same day free ($35 order minimum. Restrictions apply.) I even ordered bhaaloo some treats while in Paris to be delivered at my in-laws, I swear he’s conning them into giving him more, because I sent him more than enough lol.

Seriously just making our life easier, not planning on doing much shopping soon since we just got back but you know summer prepping the house, a cute outfit or two hehe

Anyway we’re just happy to be back and slowly getting back into our routines again … Bhaaloo is happy to have HIS pool back



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