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Bhaaloo The Newf Takes Over ... For Milk-Bone

Welcome back!

This post is quite different as you can tell, but since Bhaaloo is such a big part of our lives and this space

- #BhaalooTheNewf - I thought it was time to let him share some of his favorites, starting with Milk-bone’s special valentine day treats. Available only at Target. They’re adorable, safe and low calorie; and of course B loves them. And even though he’s a big boy the small size is perfect to be able to spread them out through out the day. And then the Valentine day set is just too perfect! With a mix of classic Milk Bone treats, Milos Kitchen meatballs and Pup-Peroni pack basically your favorite box of valentine day chocolates but for you furry friend, Anyway check them out before they run out.

We've always loved all of Milk-Bone's treats, mainly I love the always have different sizes for every dog size (including our gently giants) we also love the functional treats like "brushing chews" that help reduce tartar build up, freshen breath and maintain healthy gums, the pill pouches for those magician dogs that will do anything to avoid swallowing their pills lol. Bhaaloo has loved everything he's tried so far and we still have many more hehe so "he's" linked all his favorite Milk-Bone Target finds below 🐾

👉 Please remember to always double check feeding guidelines according to your dog's weight, size, breed and needs. Treats should never replace a meal and treat calories do count. Just like a slice of cake counts towards our daily calorie intake so do treats for your furry friend. Talk to your vet if you need help figuring out your dog's healthy weight. Milk-Bone treats all come with clear and helpful feeding instructions 🤗

If you’re new here a few facts hehe:

Bhaaloo is our 4 year old Newfoundland but more like another person living with us because let’s face it he’s a human 😂 he’s extremely sweet, smart and funny. And he’s literally (can’t stress this enough) always by my side. He was also trained as a therapy dog which we never imagined he would end up being a full time therapy dog for my family, but he is a very big boy lol Newfie's are part of the Giant working breed group, and are loving companions. And another member of the family, why we try to only give him the best.

* Treats shown in photos are not portioned and were not fed to bhaaloo as shown. for photo and viewing purposes only. He was given his regular Milk-Bone treat portion, based on his size and weight recommendation.

Bhaaloo's Milk-Bone Target Finds:

And because the Hooman might need a cute outfit to take me on walks and to the park too:

Sponsred by Target:

Although post is Sponsored all opinions and selections are my own


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