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Wild Transition

Well it’s that awkward in between seasons, when everything around us including the calendar screams Fall, but weather says something differently. For many of us it’s the point that it’s not worth spending on warm weather clothing anymore and at the same time you still don’t want tor can’t go full winter lol. This is wear adding some light animal print pieces to my looks comes in. It’s an easy way to look and feel like autumn without having to pull out you over the knee boots! I’m so happy to have partnered again with Walmart Fashion to share some very cute, easy to wear, light pieces and of course at an amazing price.

I chose these pieces because they are also easy to layer for when the temperatures do actually start to drop, you can just add a sweater or an extra jacket and you’re done!

Another must have for this transition time (and well for me an all year round item) are booties! These babies are your best friend, you can wear them with dresses, jeans or tights!

Shopping at also gives you the chance to test out new trends or maybe trends you’re just not too sure about without breaking the bank! oooh and I do have some very exciting news! SCOOP is back! they are now available at with all under $70 pieces, definitely recommend you checking it out. #ScoopStyle

Bueno pues es esa temporada incomoda que no sabes si es verano, otoño o si de plano ya mejor compras tu arbolito de navidad jajá. Ósea la época de transición y la verdad en cuanto a ropa, aunque siga haciendo un poco de calor ya no queremos invertir en más ropa de verano ya todas estamos emocionadas por sacar nuestras botas y chamarras. Por eso en estas semanas me gusta agregar piezas ligeras de estampado animal. Es una forma fácil de lucir colores y estilos de otoño sin morirnos de calor. Por ejemplo, chamarra ligera, blusas sueltas o un suéter no muy grueso con shorts o falda, también me gustan este tipo de piezas porque son fáciles de “layer” ósea agregar capas para cuando la temperatura si empieza a bajar, otro must son un buen par de botines (yo los uso todo el año) son super versatiles, y los puedes usar con todo. ¡Y con los precios de Walmart te da la oportunidad de probar tendencias nuevas sin tanta culpa ya que todo esto que elegí están a un súper precio!

Disclaimer: This post is sponsored by Walmart but all opinions and styling are my own and have not been influenced.

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