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Spring Events / Eventos de Primavera


Espero esten bien, ya tenia un rato que no les compartia looks nuevos, por estar subiendo mas videos a youtube (TheToastyLife) pero bueno, varias me han preguntado acerca de vestidos para eventos de niños tipo primera comunion o bautizos y este fin tuvimos la primera comunion del hijo de mi prima, y se me ocurrio platicar de esto, y como me encanta hacer listas jaja se los pongo mejor como lista.

1.- Evita cosas muy cortas y pegadas (yo le digo embarradas jaja): son eventos religiosos que por lo general incluye que vayas a la iglesia, tambien son eventos con niños que un vestido muy pegado y cortito no te dejara moverte muy bien. Si usas un vestido mas pegado o al cuerpo trata de que sea mas largo (no mini) y sin un mega escote.

2.- Opta por un vestido vaporoso, la mayoria de estos eventos son en primavera/verano y muchos son en jardin ... por los niños, entonces algo que sea fresco y agauntes el calor.

3.- Piensa bien en los zapatos: Los tacones de aguja se pueden ver muy bien pero si el evento sera en jardin ese tipo de zapato es lo peor y se entierra en todo, opta por un tacon un poco mas grueso.

4.- Colores Claros: saben que amo el negro pero al ser un evento de dia y que se trata de niños, creo que los colores claros son mejor (ya se que yo use azul marino jaja) pero el corte y modelo era muy fresco.

5.- No le huyas a los pantalones: Un pantalon blanco anchos es super elegante (no jeans ni leggings) pero tipo palazzo.

6.- Largo o corto: La verdad no hay regla del largo del vestido, son eventos de dia que por lo general significa un vestido a media altura o corto (tampoco mini que se nos vean los chones) pero dependiendo del clima un vestido largo de verano puede ser la opcion.

7.- La idea es similar a una boda de dia y en jardin un poco mas casual a lo mejor y con la gran excepcion de que aqui si puedes usar blanco (en una boda es de muy mal gusto is de blanco)

Bueno espero que estos tips te sirvan para tu proximo evento, y acuerdate que si eres la mama o madrina hay y puedes lucir mas e ir mas arreglada. Aqui les dejo el link a mi vestido que viene en 3 colores y algunas otra opciones que se me hacen muy buen look para este tipo de evento.



Hope you had a nice weekend, I know I have posted that much on the actual blog, this whole trying to be more consistent on YouTube is a lot of work lol (you can check my recent videos on the Video tab her or my channel TheToastyLife) anyway one of the things many of us struggle with is finding the right look for a spring event such as first communions and baptisms. This past weekend we had my cousin's son's (so my nephew lol) first communion and thankfully I had this dress from my friend's baby shower last year. Here are a few things to remember for dressing for this kind of events. It's basically the same as a day/garden wedding with the4 big exception of being able to wear white (please don't be that guest that wears white to a wedding, its one of the biggest no-nos) and since I love making lists lol here are my tips for dressing for these events:

1.- Avoid short and tight: They're mainly religious events which means you'll have to enter a church most likely and even if you don't, you don't want to be the one that has everything popping out. you can go tight if its more of a pencil skirt and slightly longer, also if it doesn't have a deep cleavage, it's not the club. And if you go short, stick to flowy dresses and not too short.

2.- Go for loose flowy dresses: most of these events are during spring/summer so it will most likely be warm, they're also many times in an open space so flowy dresses are very comfy and fresh.

3.- Plan your shoes: since many of these events are outdoors they may be on grass or some kind of uneven ground, stillettos look amazing but it might be tough to move around, think block or thicker heels.

4.- Think color: Although black is always a good idea, wearing pastel or white is always very pretty especially for such a joyful event. I went for navy and even though it's dark it's very flowy and showing some skin. And like I said unlike weddings you can and it is a good idea to wear white.

5.- Say yes to pants: it's so easy to think dresses when it comes to events like these, but a two piece outfit is extremely chic. Maybe some white wide leg pants with a feminine top is a great way to go.

6.- Short or Long: There's no specific length requirement I personally love short (again not to short you can't even move" or midi.

7.- Dress code is similar to a day/garden wedding with the big exception of being able to wear white, but still dressy and still important, unless it is stated it's casual affair. In Mexico these events can be just as formal and big as any wedding.

I hope these tips are helpful, i've linked my dress, below it comes in 3 colors and i've also linked a few other options I like.

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