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Girls night with T3micro

Hi again loves!

Last week I had the most amazing experience with my T3micro family, the perfect slumber party, pizza, candy, my favorite girls, movies and dress code: pjs! All in honor of getting those perfect summer waves for summer. We got to test their Convertible series, it's one base, with 7 convertible barrels, meaning there's a perfect barrel for everyone! Lets talk tech for a bit!

All t3micro products strive to provide the perfect styling experience while also protecting out hair, all heat tool have ceramic barrels (best there is, avoid metal) and 5 heat settings, I recommend start with the lowest setting and work your way up to you perfect heat setting. I use it on number 2, that's perfect for fine hair. Which barrel to use?? it all depends what you're looking for, I personally love the 1.25inch on my mid to short hair, anything shorter I recommend the 1inch and the wands. Long hair? anything over 1.25 the 1.50 is great for loose waves. but the great thing about the convertible is you can buy any or all the barrels you want.

Now for our girls only slumber party! I mean it was honestly the best ever, Blair Waldorf approved! I think it might be easier to just show you the pics, because I could go on and on about the perfectly pink decor but a picture is worth a thousand words right?

Hope you like this post and I have a spacial code for those who want to try the convertible collection, use code ARICC to get a free barrel when you buy your convertible base and two barrels. The whole collection is linked below.

And check this Barrel Guide to see how the finished product which each barrel looks like.

Photography by: Jessi @JessicasProwitz


Hola otra vez! Espero esten bien!

La semana pasada fui a la pijamada mas perfecta de todas! tipo las que soñabamos con tener de chicas (y todavia podemos eh) con todo y dulces, pizzas, pijama y claro las amigas! y todo gracias a T3micro y el lanzamiento de su "Covertible Collection" que les cuento es la tenaza mas padre que hay! porque son 7 en 1! Bueno es una base con la que pueden usar 7 tenazas y tubos de diferentes tamaños, lo que hace que todas sin importar que tipo y largo de pelo tengamos encontraremos la tenaza perfecta! Puedes comprar el Convertible collection de poco a poco o toda completa, empiezas con tu base y de ahi escoges cuantas y cuales tenazas/tubos quieres. Les cuento un poquito de la tecnologia de la tenaza, porque T3micro se preocupa no solo por el peinado perfecto pero tambien en mantenerlo sano, todas sus herramientas calientes son de ceramica (lo que no daña el cabello) tienen 5 temperaturas, y les recomiendo empezar en la mas baja e ir de ahi subir, yo la uso en la 2 de 5.

Y ahora de la fiesta! les podria seguir contando lo increible que les quedo pero mejor les dejo una fotitos, ya ven lo que dicen que una foto vale mas de mil palabras, y tambien sirve de inspiracion para la proxima fiesta no?

Bueno si se les antoja probar esta tenaza aqui les dejo un codigo, ARIcc con el cual se pueden llevar un tubo/tenaza gratis con la compra de tu base y tus primeros tubos.

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