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L.A Days

Hi loves!

It's been a few days since our trip to L.A but I still can't get over how much fun it was and of course this outfit!

I have to confess though, that I had this trip planned for the California Closets commercial for a few weeks, and I somehow ended up flying out there without having picked my look for it.

It was stressing me out to say the least, and this was so unlike me! I may not be the most organized person in the world, but I always make sure I have a look or outfit ready for an event, I sometimes even pack two in case the first one suffers a terrible fate, you never know.

Well to no surprise I ended finding the perfect look at Anthropologie (not sponsored, i'm just an anthro groupie) The reason why I love this store so much is because it has such a mix of looks that you can always find something no matter the occasion, it's almost like a department store without the overwhelming sensation.

The belt was separate and although I don't love adding belts, it's kinda becoming a thing for me, this jumpsuit is pretty cute on its own I thought adding a little twist of my own was just what it needed. And I paired it with my denim jacket to make it a bit more casual for lunch but I totally think this jumpsuit could be perfect for a summer wedding or party.

Another thing is the color! I mean we're getting closer and closer to summer so finding a spring look that will carry over to summer is a pretty good investment (who said I wasn't finance savvy haha) But for real now a jumpsuit can be a solution to a outfit crisis anytime! 1.- It's one piece and done! you don't need to go finding a matching set. 2.- They're usually very appropriate, meaning I didn't have to worry about it being too revealing or something like that. 3.- It's comfortable! This jumpsuit in particular is beyond comfy! I mean wide legged and flowy fabric ... #YouHadMeAtHello (everything liked at the bottom)

Thanks for stopping by!




Hola Todos!

Ya hace unos días que regresamos de L.¡A, pero todavía no supero la increíble experiencia y este look! ¡Pero les tengo que confesar que por primera vez en mi vida (o por lo menos que yo me acuerde) me fui sin haber escogido mi atuendo para el comercial! ¡Y se los juro que nunca hago eso! a lo mejor no soy la persona más organizada pero siempre me preparo hay veces que hasta me llevo dos looks cuando tengo algo importante, ya saben por si le pasa algo.

¡Se puede decir que me empecé a poner un poco nerviosa jajá, pero estando allá encontré este jumpsuit perfecto! ¡Creo que no es sorpresa, pero amo Anthropologie, es como a la segura que encuentro algo, y si! y lo mas fácil fue los jumpsuits son una de las mejores inversiones que puedes hacer! son súper fáciles y cómodos de usar, es una pieza y lista! Nada de andar buscando con que combinar algo. La otra cosa que les quiero recomendar, es que no les de miedo darle ese toque personal a tu atuendo, por ejemplo, el cinturón no venía como parte del jumpsuit, y la chamarra de mezclilla me la puse para ir a comer y que se viera un poco más casual. ¡Pero creo que hasta podría usarlo para algún evento más formal, tipo boda de día, o primera comunión o algo así! (les agregue los links para todo hasta abajo)

Gracias por pasar por aqui!



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