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One & Done

What's your favorite summer outfit? And don’t say shorts and flip flops. Think more of that perfect look that makes you feel happy and yet still perfect for the season … I myself am more of a mini dress kind of girl, mainly because I love how the look, feel, and just comfy. But there are quite a few instances especially during summer that dresses may not be appropriate, and when this happens my go to outfit is a jumpsuit or romper.

Let’s be honest we really do need some sort of bottoms, lets say riding a bike, going to a park, or if you have kids or little loved ones, wearing pants may come in handy. We’re not 5 anymore and showing our undies is no longer cute.

Just like a dress it’s one piece and done but with all the benefits we listed above. Another reason why I love them is that you can always dress them up or down depending on the occasion. Jumpsuits have actually made a huge comeback in the formal game, like weddings! And well the last reason why I love them is because in most of them it feels like we’re wearing pjs all day.

This is my first wide legged jumpsuit though, and let me just say I love it!! On the website it’s shown with flats but it’s just long enough to be worn with heals and it can also be worn tied at the front like me or at the back (truth is I didn’t know how it actually went so I went with the flow) Oh and BTW it’s currently on sale and also available in navy! #JustSaying

So In my (not so) expert opinion jumpsuits are a good friend to have this summer!

Thanks for stopping by!




​​¿Cuál es su outfit de verano favorito? ¡Y no vale decir shorts y chanclas eh, piensa en ese atuendo en el cual se sienten y se ven como quieren!

En lo personal yo soy fan de los vestiditos veraniegos porque son cómodos y estas lista en dos segundos! No te tienes que preocupar por combinar. ¡Pero hay que ser honestos que hay actividades en especial ahorita en verano que en realidad si necesitamos algún tipo de pantalón, pero con la comodidad de un vestido, he ahí donde entran los enteros! Jumpsuits (pantalón) o rompers (shorts)

La verdad tipo para andar en bici o de turista o no sé hasta jugar con niños. ¡Otra razón por la que me gustan es porque los puedes arreglar para salir o usar casual, de hecho, los hemos estado viendo para eventos más formales y quedan increíbles!

¡Este que traigo es mi primer jumpsuit de pantalón ancho, y me encanto! Se puede usar con zapato bajo, pero lo suficientemente largo para tacón.

¡En resumen y en mi opinión los jumpsuits y rompers son un buen aliado para verano! ¿Que opinan?



​Photos by: Miguel Flores

Instagram: @SoyMaico

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