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There's been quite a bit of buzz going around about 'it's a.10" hair care products; you know the usual, are they any good? How much do they cost? And are they worth it? So here it goes:

I say YES they are good, and some of their products DO cost more than your usual non-salon brands. Now when it comes to our last question. Are they worth it? Again I say YES but this time with a small but.

Here's why; I absolutely love and can't live without their leave-in sprays, especially the keratin line, it's the only thing that untangles my hair completely, makes it smooth and keeps it from turning into a giant frizz ball. Then you have their miracle mask treatment, the blow-dry volumizer, shine spray with noni oil, and the keratin hair spray (these I have all used) which are all amazing. (Photo)

Now for the BUT... I admit that I got so excited about how great the products were, that I got just a bit carried away (by that I should say I went crazy) and wanted everything from IT'S A.10, went into the store and got the miracle shampoo & conditioner, but after a few uses I was a bit disappointed, it did nothing for my hair (might work for some but I guess not me) now those two bottles are just staring at me in the shower (not in the creepy way) but like waiting for me to give them a second chance, I feel bad about not using them, because of the price so maybe I will give them a chance to redeem themselves :)

Besides the product does 10 things instantly to your hair and it really does (some vary from one product to another) these are for the keratin leave in:

  1. Maintenance of keratin, straightening treatments - check

  2. Increases styling & manegability- check

  3. Perfect for all hair type - my hair loves it so check

  4. Replaces los protein - check

  5. Protects natural keratin - love how my hair feels when applied so- check

  6. Protects against heat - check

  7. Restores hydration balance - Definitely does feel more hydrated from the first time- check

  8. Detangles, defrizzes & adds shine- CHECK!!!!! don't know how I would detangle my hair without it!!!

  9. Strengthens hair structure - Check

  10. Seals cuticles for extra silky hair- it does feel silky, so I guess check

Just to finish off I do believe their products are worth it and yes you might have that mini heart attack when they ring you up at the register but shake it off and enjoy your It's a.10 products, they'll last a long time, long enough for you to forget about the price tag.

Prices for the products shown: (prices based on ulta website)

Miracle Oil Plus Keratin: $24.96

Miracle shine spray: $20.00

Miracle leave-in plus keratin: $20.00 (4oz) $39.96(10oz)

Miracle Blowdry volumizer: $18.96

Miracle super hold finishing spray plus keratin: $18.96

It's a. 10 doesn't sell their products on their website but you can find them in most stores and pharmacies. Including ULTA beauty where they have the largest selection here check them out ... and compare prices for yourself.

web link: ULTA

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